EU1 - Chernarus -
EU2 - Sakhal - Coming Soon
EU Deathmatch -
US Deathmatch -
Discord - https://discord.conflictgamers.com
Website - https://conflictgamers.com/
Twitter - https://x.com/DayZConflict
TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@dayzconflict
Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/@dayzconflict
!players - Shows how many players are online.
!ping - Shows your ping to the server (lower is better).
!uptime - Shows how long since the last restart.
!guid - Shows your Steam-64 ID.
!time - Shows the ingame server time.
!restart - Shows when the next restart is.
!discord - Shows the discord URL.
!admin - Shows how to contact an admin.
!stats - Shows total kills, total deaths and KD Ratio.
Does CONFLICT have Traders?
There is a P2P trader located in Green Mountain, here players can add items to sell. The items available to buy are only what other players add. This is currently a system that is being tested and can be changed quickly with little notice.
Does CONFLICT have a party / group mod?
Yes, you can press 'B' to open the menu to control party / group mods. Only 5 players can be added to a Party, this is just to limit the number of 3D markers possible and is NOT a rule for bases / territory. There is currently no limit to groups size.
Are 3D markers enabled?
Yes, you can turn them on and off by pressing 'K' or checking the settings in the escape menu.
Does CONFLICT support 3rd person perspective?
No, we operate 1st person perspective only.
Are there vehicles available on the server?
Yes, you can find vehicles around the server in random locations, you need to provide the necessary parts to get it working. Vehicles that are not used will de-spawn after 3 days. Do not use them for storage. We do not offer any support or compensation for vehicles.
How does stamina work?
When you have over 50% stamina it is effectively unlimited, if you go under 50% it will function like vanilla stamina. The level depends on the weight of the items you carry, if your items are wet they weigh a lot more.
Is there an auto run?
Yes, pressing 'Z' on the keyboard whilst running will keep the auto run enabled, it is now possible to check the map or your inventory whilst running.
How long is Night Time?
Night time should last around 45 minutes, it can be dark also if there is a storm.
How do I contact an admin?
The only guaranteed way to get support is to open a ticket
Are CONFLICT servers available on console?
No currently we only offer servers for PC players.
Is CONFLICT an RP (Role-Playing) server?
No, CONFLICT is not designated a RP server, players can play however they like within the rules set out.
Is CONFLICT a KOS (Kill-on-Sight) server?
No, CONFLICT is not designated a KOS server, however most players will play their own style and can choose to play KOS if they want. There are no restrictions on this in the rules.
How do I make a suggestion?
Suggestions are encouraged and welcome, please post your suggestion on discord.
Why wasn't my suggestion added?
Admins review the suggestions regularly, whilst we do use up votes to evaluate the community interest, the admin team will always make the final decision for things we implement, they need to align with the CONFLICT ethos and legacy. Usually we mark suggestions with a Tick or Cross to signify our decision, if it doesn't have this then the decision hasn't been made yet.
Does loot re-spawn after a restart?
No, the server restart has no impact on loot rules. There are several factors that influence what loot gets spawned when and where. This does not count for event loot, event loot does not persist after a restart.
Where can I find info on de-spawn rates?
Coming Soon
How can I craft items / what is the recipe?
Most recipes can be found on discord - here.
- There will be server notifications of airdrops.
- It takes up to 15 minutes from the announcement for the airdrop to land.
- When the drop hits the ground, a Global Marker is added to the map and AI spawns to protect it.
- The actual crate can be up to 150m from the Global Marker.
- There are 3 tiers of loot: Grey (Low), Blue (Medium), Red (High)
Helicopter Crash
- Helicopters will crash on the map from time to time.
- They will be protected by AI.
- They will spawn loot in and around the helicopter.
Static Toxic Zones
- There are 2 static toxic zones on the map, Mary Rose and Devils Castle.
- Toxic zones require FULL NBC gear to avoid getting sick.
- These zones are protected by zombies.
- Some items can only be found in a Static Toxic Zone.
Dynamic Toxic Zone
- Toxic missiles are fired towards high value targets on occasion.
- There should be a warning siren 2 minutes before a missile hits, if you hear a siren recommendations are to leave the area.
- Toxic zones require FULL NBC gear to avoid getting sick.
- Dynamic Toxic Zones are protected by very strong zombies, be cautious.
- Each Dynamic Toxic Zone will spawn a loot crate.
King of the Hill
- Server announcements will give you the location of a KOTH event.
- The location will have a Map Marker.
- When the event spawns there will be a flag pole with Yellow smoke.
- Players must stand within the radius to activate the KOTH flag, the smoke will turn White.
- The flag will slowly raise up the flag pole (taking around 15 minutes).
- Once the flag reaches the top, a loot crate will spawn at the flags location.
- Zombies will be attracted to the loot crate, be careful.
Ballistic Missiles
- Server announcements will show the coordinates of a Ballistic Missile.
- Once you find one, you can attempt to defuse the missile.
- Using a pair of pliers will give you a 50% chance of defusing the missile.
- Using an Electrical Repair Kit will give you a 70% chance of defusing the missile.
- The missile CAN explode and kill all players near it.
- Once successfully defused, you can recover parts which may be useful in building C4.
Dynamic Trains / Convoys
- You can come across abandoned trains / convoys.
- These tend to have decent loot and are usually worth investigating.
Vault 34
- In police stations across the map there is a chance to find Punched Cards.
- These card have 4 uses and get you into and out of Vault 34
- Vault 34 (shown on the map) is located near Severograd.
- Inside you will find high level loot.
- There is also a puzzle that requires 2 or more people to solve.
- Completing the puzzle will give you access to a hidden area of the bunker where a loot crate will spawn (CURRENTLY NOT SPAWNING)
- To exit you need to swipe the Punched Card again on level 2 in the room with the hanging body.
Key Card Rooms
- There are 3 Key Card Rooms on the server, their locations are shown on the map.
- If you find a key card, use it on the corresponding door and obtain the loot.
- The door only stays open for 5 minutes, so get out quickly!
- There is a 30% chance of getting the next level key card as part of the loot.
From time to time admins will arrange Events or Flash Events. These will be announced on Discord and In game.
It should always be assumed that you may die at the events.
Failing to follow the rules set out in the event, or intentionally sabotaging the events, can result in a ban on the server.
Types of Events
Abandoned Items
- Not always announced, admins will spawn items on the map.
- If they are announced, there are usually clues on Discord.
- These items can be taken by players who find them, first come first served.
Treasure Hunt
- Similar to abandoned items, admins can bury treasure around the map.
- If they are announced, there are usually clues on Discord.
- Players are free to dig up and take any buried treasure they find, first come first served.
- There is a scourge among us. Admins regularly get intel of highly armed bandits hold up in a location, or moving from one location to another.
- This intel is shared in game and in Discord.
- The bandits WILL shoot at players in most instances.
- Admins just want to see the bandits killed. Their loot / vehicles / etc is up for grabs!
Combat Arena's
- We have a number of combat arenas where admins can host events.
- These will be announced with notice on Discord and specific rules will be given.
- Usually admins will teleport players to the arena and provide food / water and gear.
- All players will need to die to leave the arena, so have gear on you when requesting teleport.
- We have a custom maze which can contain vast loot!
- When the maze is active players can enter the maze to dig up treasure (shovels are provided).
- The deeper you go, the higher level the loot is.
- But you need to make it out alive!
Base Building
What Mods do you use on CONFLICT?
Vanilla base building and Base Building Plus are both enabled.
How do I get started.
To build any base you need a Territory Flag, this is made by combining 3 short sticks and 1 rope.
You then build a work bench to create Kits, combine 2 pieces of paper together to get started on this!
Why cant I place my Territory Flag?
Flags can not be placed too close to another territory, or within 700m of a military.
When trying to place the flag check the top left of the screen for notifications.
If you're still not sure, open a ticket.
Why cant I dismantle my gate from the inside?
Code locks need to be removed from gates, by the player who placed it, before they can be dismantled.
Where can I find nails?
Nails are most commonly found in Industrial Areas and Sheds. However it is possible for them to spawn in most locations.
Any building recommendations?
The base is designed to prevent other players from stealing your loot. CONFLICT does allow boost raiding, which means that C4 isn't your only concern. If you're new, consider building in a location that is easy to secure, A green mustache building can be secured with only 1 door. The next step would be to cover ALL of the windows. A lot of DayZ windows can be climbed through by an experienced player, or they can just shoot you whilst you're in your base. Then work on expanding once you have a secure place to start.
Any Building limitations or rules?
- It is not allowed to build more than 6 doors / gates.
- Some gates have 2 parts (R & L), if no additional advantage is given (1 C4 will give full access through the gate) this will be considered 1 gate.
- You can not build more than 25 VANILLA fences. This is to reduce the lag.
- You can not build corridors that are too narrow, it should be possible to raise your weapon.
- You can not build anything that requires a player to Crawl, Vault, or Climb a Ladder.
- The entire base must be raid-able.
- Storage should not be stacked or clipping, this can cause them to glitch stopping you from accessing the storage.
Raiding is the act of attacking another players base to access their loot.-
There are 2 types of C4 that can be used for raiding.
- Homemade Breaching Charge
- Heavy Breaching Charge
Homemade will only work on Wooden (Tier 1) doors.
Heavy will work on both Wooden (Tier 1) and Metal (Tier 2) Doors.
During Peak Hours an activated C4 charge will take 8 minutes to detonate.
During Off-Peak Hours a C4 charge will take 45 minutes to detonate.
C4 is the most valuable item on the server and care should be taken with it.
As players can build up to 6 doors, it would be save to assume that most bases have 6 doors. Consider carefully before starting a raid if you have less than 6 C4 as you may waste what you have.
It is possible to increase the number of doors you can have on a base through the Medal of Honor event. That said, if you have used 6 C4 and you still do not have full access to a base please raise a ticket.
Homemade Breaching Charge
Sulfer Powder + Charcoal Powder = Gun Powder.
5x GunPowder + Burlap Sac = Explosive.
Explosive + Personal Radio - Homemade Breaching Charge.
Heavy Breaching Charge
Polyisobutylene + Hexogen = TNT.
TNT + Duct Tape = C4 Stick.
2x C4 Stick + Duct Tape = C4 Stick Pair.
C4 Stick Pair + Detonator = C4 No Wiring.
C4 No Wiring + Electrical Repair Kit = Heavy Breaching Charge.
In DayZ there are many ways to gain access to a building.
A lot of the DayZ windows can be climbed through (even if it looks like they can't)
Badly built bases with gaps can usually be climbed through also.
Badly built bases can also be dismantled by players from the outside.
On CONFLICT using these methods to access a base is allowed.
Glitching to gain access to a base is not allowed.
(This includes ladder glitches or logging in glitches).
It will always be the admins call if your raid is considered legit or not.
It is HIGHLY recommended that if you are boost raiding that you record what you do.
Only ONE player can be boosted into a base.
You can stand on ONE item to gain access. That item must be on the GROUND outside the base.
You can stand on ONE player to gain access.
You can not log off inside a player base once you are inside.
If you can not escape you must use F11 to return to the coast.
In this instance, loot can be thrown outside the base for another player to collect.
Intentionally destroying loot be throwing it on the floor is considered bad form.
Safes allow you to add a code lock to protect the contents
Safes can be cracked using a 'MultiPick'
MultiPick's ONLY work during peak time.
MultiPicks take 90 seconds to open a safe, and 1 pick will open 2 safes before being destroyed.
Items stored in a safe will be secure during off-peak hours, even if the base gets raided they will not be able to access the safe.
If you are being raided you and your team should take up positions to try and kill the attackers.
It is OK to set traps, or dismantle base structure to try and give you an advantage.
Once the first C4 has detonated you can not build any base structures for 60 minutes.
Every C4 detonation resets this 60 minute timer.
Once 60 minutes has passed you can re-build, we suggest starting with additional doors.
You should not build more than 6 doors at any time.
You must NOT log off with C4 components in order to protect them from a raid.
You must NOT destroy C4 components to prevent them from being looted.